Remember that Prisoners must travel to their destinations, which takes time.They don't go in the shower room, or in cells! Sinks are used for cleaning trays in the kitchen.This means that if there is a riot, then it will only happen in one location and not the entire prison, it is recommended to have at least one prison guard patrolling each cell block at all times. A foundation that is 12 by 25 can fit 16 prisoner cells (of the 2x3 standard size, the Lawyer may reduce that further).Make sure to place multiple beds in your Holding Cell, as your prisoners still need a place to sleep.
A Holding Cell is a cheap way to house prisoners early on, but is only a temporary measure until you can construct individual cells for each prisoner.Download this prison cell calculator (or use the web version) to assist you in accurately planning the size for the foundation.If this doesn't work there is mouse emulating software available, such as mousemu, or you can simply press the R key. On a laptop, pressing both mouse buttons at the same time often simulates a middle-click.Left click and hold a Report folder on its edges to move it around or Left click and hold bottom right to re-size.Or use the (transparent) digital clock available in the game options. Left click and hold the clock to move it around, if it gets in the way.